Friday, July 18, 2014

The Great Salt Lake State Park

First on todays agenda was a tour of Tampingos Cave National Monument, but was we pulled into the park we saw a sign that all of the cave tours were sold out... So on to plan B!

We drove to The Great Salt Lake State Park Marina.  We had planned to swim a bit and then head to a truck  stop over night, but when we got here we saw (4)  campsites complete with water, electric and  fire pit so we decided to stay here for the night as well.

We all went out into the water together.  Once you get past the smell (only at the water's edge) it is actually quite a nice experience.  The water is very clear, you can see the brine shrimp, and warm, at least 80 degrees.   It is so salty that you really do float.  It was the first time Doug and Hailey have ever floated in the water on their own.  Maddie and I, who are already good floaters were super floaters.  It was cool!  Doug and I stayed out with the girls for about a hour and then came in.  We sat on the deck of the visitors center, enjoying some beverages and watched the girls swim for almost two more hours.  It was such a nice relaxing day.  I think we all needed it, especially Doug who has been driving everywhere!

After swimming we all showered up, and rinsed out everything, if you don't, the towels and swimwear will dry stiff because of all of the salt.  Doug's watch is sitting in a cup of water to draw the salt out of all the crevices.

We sat lake side and enjoyed dinner as a family and watched other tourists and boats in the water.  Once the sun began to set, Doug stared a campfire and the girls roasted marshmallows and made Smoreo's (That is an Oreo with a roasted marshmallow-Yumm).  Maddie and I embarrassed Doug and Hailey by sing camp songs while a big bus of tourists were still around taking pictures. LOL!!!

Now we have the entire place to ourselves... well us and the mosquitoes.  It is a cool evening and super quiet.  I love vacation!!!!

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