Friday, July 11, 2014

Four Corners Monument

Today we left Mesa Verde and headed to Four Corners Monument.  We had a bit of a slow start this morning,but it is vacation.  We can do what we want.

The drive to Four Corners was not bad at all, a little over an hour and we were in four states.  The girls were so very excited about being there.  They were bouncing off the walls.  Doug and I both thought the $5 per person admission to see a hunk of cement was a little much.  However, when we were planning this trip in January, this was one stop both Hailey and Maddie were insistent upon.  So we stood in line in the 88 degree hot sun and waited for our chance to be in four states at the same time.  Both girls were going on about their fourth grade social studies class and how they learned about this when they had their US Geography Unit.

Hailey and Maddie enjoyed shopping at the various stalls and Doug bought me a beautiful hand painted piece of sandstone from an artisan.  We ate Fry Bread tacos and Frito pie (walking taco) for lunch and then had snowballs for dessert.   It was so hot we needed them to cool off before we headed on the five hour trek to the Petrified Forest KOA.

For some reason this five hour drive seemed to take forever.  There was some interesting landscapes to see along the way but it got boring really fast. Hailey was busy playing her DS and Maddie was wrapped up in her book. So I took pictures and played on my phone a while, while Doug drove, and drove and drove.....

We finally made it to the campground and had dinner.  We were ready to go to the pool when the sky started looking nasty so we settled for ice cream and a walk instead.  Somehow the walk ended us up at the playground where we all had a little family fun on the equipment.

Now the sun is setting and there is not a campfire ring at this campground. So we are all just chillin' before we head off to bed.  We have two parks to visit tomorrow.  Hopefully the weather will cooperate and we can fit in some pool time as well.

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