Sunday, July 14, 2013

Space Center Houston

Today was pretty cool for everyone, even though Doug's back continues to hurt and my cold continues to drag me down.  We are a space geek family,  so we really enjoyed visiting the Space Center Houston .  When we first got there we went on the tram ride into the Johnson Space Center that took us to mission control where we sat in what was formerly called the VIP room and learned about the various jobs and historical facts about that room. It was cool knowing that Presidents and other dignitaries actually sat in the same seats we were in.  It was awesome!!!!!!

After that they took us to the Rocket Center where we were able to see several types of rockets from the Mercury, Gemini, and Apollo Missions including one of the three remaining Saturn Five Rockets, which has been recently restored.  Again, it was AWESOME!!!!!

We then made our way back to the Space Center Houston.  Maddie and Hailey were immediately intrigued by the climbing exhibits.  They both tried their skills at a rock climbing wall and another climbing activity called "Goat Steps."  Both pushed themselves out of their comfort zone in a fun way.  Maddie was so into it that when she did not make it to the very top of Goat Steps the first time she did go back and conquered it on her own!!!  I was so proud I screamed out "My baby did it!" Loud enough to completely embarrass Doug and Hailey (LOL)!

We went through all of the exhibits and saw a lot of neat artifacts.  On one of the tours Maddie knew most of the answers the guide was asking, and she even got annoyed at him for making the Apollo Moon Landing seem like a 2 man mission,  asking "what about Collins, he was there too." Doug was lagging behind the tour so he could get close up pictures of everything (136 to be exact).  I know that I am going to have a seriously large scrapbook to compile when  this trip is over.

This museum did have a lot of childrens activities, some that were even too young for Hailey and Maddie, but is was balanced with many things to interest everyone.  Like the largest collection of moon rocks, and a real lunar rover.  Everywhere you went you heard "NASA Johnson Style" and saw the video.  Doug kept embarrassed the girls by trying to do the dance.

After we were done we put in about 4 hours on the road though rain and thunderstorms and ended up at a Loves Truck Stop for the night.  Tomorrow is another full day of driving in the car. 


  1. Thank you so much for the great posts and pictures.

    Though you hit a few road bumps here and there; it sounds like the whole is enjoying the trip.

    I look forward in reading the next post.


  2. I am so glad you are enjoying it! Thanks!!!
