Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Botanica Gardens

We woke up this morning to a swarm of creepy flying bugs that had attached themselves to the side of the camper.  After the massively loud thunder storm the night before, I was not in the mood to get up  close and personal with bugs of any type, especially big ugly ones that fly and attach themselves to you.  We found out that they are may flies, I call them annoying!

Anyway, todays destination for exploration was the Botanica Gardens in Wichita. Hailey loves flowers, and enjoyed the gardens we toured in North Carolina so much that she picked this for us to visit.  I am so glad that she did!  It was beautiful, and although it was extremely hot outside, most of the garden was in the shade.

One of the best parts of the trip was watching the wildlife.  We saw lots of birds, koi fish and squirrels.  Doug even seemed to make friends with one of them who was begging for food.  I was amazed to see that the squirrels in Kansas were brown, and not grey like at home.    We also went into the butterfly garden and got up close and personal with some beautiful butterflies. Everything was just so beautiful, and peaceful.

After we left the gardens we went to a little cafe about 10 minutes away, called the Copper Oven.  The food was great, and all of us have a nice time just talking about what we saw at the gardens and making plans for tomorrow.

Once we made it back to the camper we were greeted by the swarm of mayflies still attached to our camper, only this time upon closer examination (by Doug and Maddie), we found out that they were mostly exoskeletons and and few molting bugs,  I still say gross!  Yuck!!  I am not a fan of the may fly!

It was still early so we put on our bathing suits and headed to the swimming beach area.  The girls had a blast cooling off in the lake,  Doug and I enjoyed relaxing, and I started my third book of the trip.   Now we are all making preparations for tomorrows 11 hour drive to New Mexico.

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